Hey Y’all, how are you doing? Have you ever felt like you might be doing too much and just need to chill? I think I’m at that point lol. 2021 has definitely been an exciting and busy year for this chick. Cliff notes: I got married (yay!), bought a new house (omg), started a new 9-5 (hmm), and I am starting my second year of tree shaping (yes, it’s a thing). On top of being a mom to 2 teenage boys (these boys trippin), one pre-teen girl (help me!) and a man child (haha, j/k). I think I’ve earned and will allow myself to officially chill…for a bit at least. I’m working on new art and still experimenting with colour. Remember to take your time and chill too. Check out some photos below. Love y’all!
Did you know?
Heeey, did you know, I take payment plans on artwork. Payments can be broken down into a maximum of 4 payments either weekly or biweekly. Contact me to get started!
Lately I'm seeing the word Ancestry. It has been heavy on my mind, so I decided to do an ancestry DNA test. The results surprised me!
I found out that I am 77.5% Sub-Saharan, majority West African. It’s amazing how we make assumptions on our heritage and origins because to date, we haven’t had much to use as a reference. But in doing the test, I finally feel as though I’m closer to my story! And now, I absolutely want to know more about this part of me.
I think it’s important we rediscover our origins, our stories and learn about our ancestors. For me, this is especially important in black history. It is a history that has been mistold and lost for so many generations.
In my research, I was able to trace my roots back to slavery (and beyond), which is profound. To know that I have ancestors who survived such a tragic and traumatizing time in history is life altering.
They persevered. They succeeded. For them, I am in deep gratitude. And with Juneteenth coming up, I couldn’t be happier and appreciative of the sacrifices, tears, blood and STRENGTH of my ancestry.
I will honor those who walked before me and seek their guidance.
How will you honour your ancestors?
The Visitor
I have this visitor that comes every now and then in my art. Sometimes they stay for a moment, sometimes they stay for days or even weeks! This time, they decided to stay for weeks…OMG. That visitor you ask? Frustration.
I started this piece, too excited and ready to dive in once again in the world of hands. Ooh Chileeeeeee, why! I knew once I finished a couple fingers that it was all wrong. But I didn’t want to start over (This is where frustration began her visit). So I left it alone for what seemed like months. I don’t like to work on multiple pieces at once. I get really focused on one piece and almost refuse to do something else because I want that one thing finished first (I probably should work on more than one so you guys don’t have to wait so long lol). Frustration stayed too long this time and finally left; girl stayed for nearly a month!
I decided to finish the painting and paint whatever came to mind, flaws and all.
In an odd way, I love it and still see beauty in it. On the other hand, I’m just like, girl, these hands are a hot mess. But practice makes perfect right? SO on to my next set of hands or hand (I’m already mad at myself for going forth). If frustration visits again, she ain’t staying as long this time, girl has got to go!
Details Details Details
When you view a piece of artwork, whether it be a painting, sculpture, etc. what captures your eye? For me, it’s the details. My favorite details are the eyes. I love when they come to life and almost “follow” you. There are stories in the eyes. I am also captivated by the fine, tiny details as well. There are so many hidden gems in artwork and those gems build on top of one another creating something exquisite. It’s amazing what the mind imagines and the hands create.
Challenging Yourself
This year, I told myself I would challenge myself more in my art. Challenge myself to more detail, more patience and more exploration. Since I’ve been little, I’ve always been Speedy Gonzalez with just about any task. In my 9-5, I am often told that I work really fast, but efficient at the same time. The same goes with my art. In some ways, I love this part when it comes to my art and other times, I’m just like, I need to slow my a** down. Who else out there is like me?
So far, I think i’m off to a good start. I started my biggest piece to date and I am dedicated to taking my time. Not too much time though because I get bored. It’s more, finding a stopping point and telling myself that’s enough for right now, it will be here when I get back and it’s ok to stop and relax. I like that.
What are you challenging yourself too?
I am an artist, but...
I.am.an.artist. I am an artist, but I also LOVE collecting art. I love to collect pieces where there is emotion, meaning, or “attitude” in the piece. I love to literally stare at a piece and visualize the artist. To think about their intentions, the story and be thankful for their dream, perseverance and skill. They didn’t have to create the piece, but did and I appreciate them for it. It’s beautiful! I also collect books and sculptures which are beautiful works of art too. Check out a few of the pieces I’ve collected!
What is Charcoal?
What is charcoal?
I occasionally get the question, what is charcoal? A lot of my work is created with charcoal and a few elements of pastels for color.
I love charcoal for its simplicity and it comes in different forms such as pencils, vine, compressed and powder.
I personally prefer pencils and powder. My tools used with charcoal are oil brushes,
q-tips, and old socks (yes, old socks).
When I'm creating, it's fun to see a figure emerge (like the one below) and see it slowly come to life. It's like the individual's story slowly comes to life as they become more real. I enjoy a good story and believe everyone's story should be told. Whether verbally or through art. We, you are important, and I enjoy honoring that story through my art.
So, what is charcoal? It is how I tell stories.